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About Us

ReportEra News is a media hub that provides real time News Updates & Reports from around the world. It is also a platform for Independent Journalists to publish their findings whilst also furnishing them with the needed technical support & visibility to get to a wider audience.

Through a very thorough vetting process, our journalists and writers are scrutinized for credibility, trust and consistency. More importantly, their materials are verified by our very reliable and world class in-house editorial team before validation and publishing so as to give our budding readers an informatively pleasurable experience anytime they log unto our platform.

Founded in June 2022, our core value is to always avail the public with the ‘TRUTH’, and this is done by ensuring that every member of our team is void of any political affiliation or at least doesn’t allow it becloud their work. We also try to keep out bias &  personal views which are unconventional or anti-people.

ReportEra News is based in Nigeria with our headquarters in Abuja, but serves News Updates and content from around the continent and to a large extent, the entire world. ReportEra News prides itself in its consistency with creating content that arouses your thinking beyond headlines and keep you glued to your computer or phone screen for a long time.

Flip through our pages as you will get informed, entertained and educated.


Our Writers

Kafayat Abdullahi

Kafayat Abdullahi is a content writer with a flair for the entertainment industry. She's always in the know about the interesting news happening in our world. You can reach her at

Christian Maximilian

Christian Maximilian, a Software Engineer with an unwavering love for writing, has transformed his passion into a full-time profession as a Political Analyst. Combining technical expertise with creative flair, he crafts compelling stories that bridge the worlds of politics and literature.


Oladiti Oluwajuwon is an experienced writer with 5+ years' expertise in captivating blog posts, articles (spiritual, educational, academic), and insightful news pieces. With a keen eye for detail, he specializes in diverse content, including political news and academic info such as degrees, schools, and admission requirements.