
Top 20 Funny Videos 2023



The digital landscape of the internet is a realm of endless possibilities, where laughter knows no bounds. In the ever-evolving world of online entertainment, viral videos have the uncanny ability to unite and amuse people from all corners of the globe. In this compilation that was originally done by Watchmojo, we present to you the “Top 20 Funniest Videos That Broke The Internet,” a collection of side-splitting moments that have captured the hearts and funny bones of netizens everywhere. If in 2023, you are looking for the compilation of the “top 20 funny videos”, we have provided for you in this article, the top 20 funniest videos that broke the internet.

Top 20 Funny Videos That Broke the Internet

In 2023, we bring to you a compilation of the “top 20 funny videos that broke the internet.” This list is based on the compilation by Watchmojo. Here are the top 20 funny videos that broke the internet.

20. The Dangers of Working from Home

In a moment that perfectly encapsulates the challenges of remote work, political scientist Robert E. Kelly found himself unexpectedly interrupted during a live BBC interview on South Korean politics. Chaos ensued as his children burst into the room, showcasing a hilarious sequence of events that left viewers in stitches. From the daughter’s proud entrance to the wife’s ninja-like rescue operation, this video is a true comedy of errors that epitomizes the struggles of working from home.

19. Apparently Kid

Top 20 Funny Videos

Sometimes, innocence combined with a healthy dose of randomness is the recipe for a viral sensation. Noah Ritter, a five-year-old, stole the spotlight in a local news interview about the Wayne County Fair. Armed with the word “apparently,” young Noah’s quirky and nonsensical responses instantly charmed viewers, making this video a prime example of how unfiltered childlike enthusiasm can brighten anyone’s day.

18. Miss Teen USA

In the annals of beauty pageant history, few moments have elicited as much amusement as Caitlin Upton’s memorable answer during the 2007 Miss Teen USA pageant. Her attempt to address a question about Americans’ geographical knowledge resulted in a bewildering and hilarious response that took the internet by storm. The host’s struggle to maintain composure only added to the comedic value of this unforgettable clip.

Top 20 Funny Videos

17. Keyboard Cat

The internet’s affinity for felines is well-documented, and Keyboard Cat is a prime testament to this phenomenon. This video, originally filmed in the 1980s, features a musical tabby named Fatso playing a keyboard in a charmingly clumsy manner. This iconic footage, coupled with remixes that playfully accompany various mishaps, turned Keyboard Cat into an enduring symbol of online humor.

16. Greatest Freakout Ever

The world of video game rage can be both relatable and entertaining. In one of the most legendary “freakout” videos, a young gamer’s reaction to his mother canceling his “World of Warcraft” account spirals into an outlandish meltdown. Whether genuine or not, this over-the-top tantrum captivated audiences and provided a glimpse into the unpredictable reactions that online gaming can elicit.

15. Afro Ninja

In the early days of internet humor, even the simplest of mishaps could propel a video to viral status. Such was the case with the Afro Ninja video, which showcased a man’s epic fail while attempting a backflip. Despite its brevity, this video became a symbol of early online hilarity, thanks to its relatable slapstick humor.

14. Double Rainbow

The beauty of nature can inspire awe and wonder, but sometimes it triggers uncontrollable enthusiasm. A video capturing a man’s euphoric reaction to witnessing a double rainbow in Yosemite National Park resonated with viewers worldwide. The sincerity of his emotional response, combined with the dramatic background music, turned this simple moment into a heartwarming and contagious burst of joy.

13. Potter Puppet Pals

Long before YouTube became a global platform, the internet was already hosting pockets of creative content, such as Potter Puppet Pals. A series of puppetry videos satirizing the “Harry Potter” series, these sketches brought quirky humor to familiar characters. “The Mysterious Ticking Noise” video became a viral sensation, paving the way for a unique brand of fan-generated comedy.

12. Zombie Kid Likes Turtles

A local news interview about a young boy’s zombie face paint takes an unexpected turn when Jonathan Ware nonchalantly declares his love for turtles. The deadpan delivery of his now-famous phrase, “I like turtles,” became a meme that spread like wildfire, showcasing the internet’s knack for turning mundane moments into timeless comedic gems.

11. “Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That!”

Image source: funhouseradio.com

In the midst of covering a local apartment fire, the news stumbled upon an unexpected internet star. Sweet Brown’s humorous and animated recounting of the incident, punctuated by her unforgettable catchphrase, quickly went viral. This video served as a reminder that amidst serious news, lighthearted moments can capture the collective imagination of online communities.

10. Leprechaun in Mobile

Mythical creatures and local news are an unlikely combination that birthed the “Leprechaun in Mobile” sensation. A report on an alleged leprechaun sighting in Alabama resulted in a hilarious montage of interviews, sketches, and absurd claims. The video’s offbeat humor, complete with a leprechaun flute, cemented its place as a quirky gem in the online comedy landscape.

9. Shoes

The satirical power of comedy found its digital muse in Liam Sullivan’s “Shoes.” The skit, featuring Sullivan as the materialistic “Kelly,” humorously highlighted society’s fixation on footwear. This video struck a chord with audiences, propelling it to viral fame and showcasing the enduring appeal of relatable humor.

8. Dramatic Look

In a world of complexity, sometimes simplicity reigns supreme. A prairie dog’s dramatic gaze set to suspenseful music became a symbol of internet absurdity. The “Dramatic Look” video demonstrated that even the shortest of clips can spark widespread laughter and creativity, leading to remixes, parodies, and a lasting internet legacy.

7. Grape Lady Falls

In the realm of unintentional comedy, few videos hold a candle to the Grape Lady’s unfortunate mishap. Covering a grape stomping competition, the reporter found herself in a painfully hilarious predicament when she fell flat on her face. Her unique vocalizations and the studio anchors’ struggle to contain their laughter turned this mishap into a sidesplitting classic.

6. Antoine Dodson

When local news meets animated storytelling, the result is Antoine Dodson’s unforgettable interview about a break-in. Dodson’s lively and rhythmic retelling, filled with unexpected playfulness, resonated with online audiences. The autotuned remix of his catchphrase, “Hide yo kids, hide yo wife,” transformed Dodson into a meme sensation, showcasing the internet’s penchant for remixing reality.

5. Charlie Bit My Finger

Children’s innocence and sibling dynamics are a universal source of amusement. The “Charlie Bit My Finger” video, capturing a simple interaction between siblings, tapped into the universal appeal of family antics. This heartwarming and funny moment struck a chord with viewers, ultimately making it one of YouTube’s most-viewed videos ever.

4. Star Wars Kid

Before YouTube’s dominance, viral videos found their home on platforms like Newgrounds. The Star Wars Kid video, featuring a student wielding a golf ball retriever like a lightsaber, became an early example of internet fame. The video’s wide circulation across humor sites and its lasting impact on popular culture solidified its place as a pioneer of online viral content.

3. Numa Numa

In the pre-YouTube era, viral videos thrived on platforms like Newgrounds. “Numa Numa,” a video featuring Gary Brolsma energetically lip-syncing to a Romanian song, captured the carefree spirit of early internet entertainment. Its infectious energy and joyful celebration of music and dance resonated with viewers, propelling it to widespread popularity.

2. Leave Britney Alone

Amid the media scrutiny surrounding Britney Spears’ struggles, vlogger Chris Crocker’s emotional defense video became an unexpected sensation. Crocker’s passionate plea to “Leave Britney alone!” resonated with viewers, generating both empathy and humor. The video’s rapid spread through mainstream media and its enduring impact on pop culture showcased the convergence of genuine emotion and internet satire.

1. Evolution of Dance

In the early days of YouTube, a motivational speaker named Judson Laipply uploaded a video that would redefine online entertainment. Laipply’s “Evolution of Dance” performance seamlessly combined humor, dance, and nostalgia to create a universally relatable and uproarious masterpiece. The video’s rapid ascent to the top of YouTube’s popularity charts marked a pivotal moment in the internet’s history, proving that genuine and relatable content can capture the hearts and laughter of millions.

The internet’s evolution has introduced us to a treasure trove of comedic gems that transcend time and borders. From unexpected interruptions to heartfelt dances, these videos remind us that humor knows no boundaries and that laughter truly is a universal language. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, one thing remains certain: the power of a good laugh will forever connect us in ways we could never have imagined.

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